Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Think again

I always wonder why people always call someone a bitch when they have boyfriends or sometimes, even worst, SLUTs. what's wrong with them when they have someone who loves them or someone they loved? Is it wrong? The idea of calling people bitches or slut is definietly wrong when you yourself is blinded by your own thoughts or jelousy. Okay maybe you call them that because of:

#1. The way they act in public.
Well let me give you an example. Do you call a lady a bitch when she walks with a guy all lovey dovey. And when they kiss in public without realising people are actually looking at them? Or when they hug each other? Well that is what I call proving your love to everyone. But why are they called bitches and sluts? Is it because you're jelous for not having a boyfriend? Or a guy who would want to do that to you? That is ridiculously stupid? You should not hate that girl. If you do, why don't you hate the guy too? Because he's hot? Oh cut that crap!

#2. The pictures of them.
Nah, this one is my favourite! Guys LOVES to comment on girls with sexy pictures. This one, I don't understand what's the purpose for posting that kind of crap? What the hell are you trying to do? Showing the whole world about your body? Come on! Don't make yourself look cheap! We girls should be ashame of those kind of stuff!! It's embarassing!! What would people think of you? But when people use it as a threat, you're afraid. What the heck is this? So girls, my advice is, stop posting ridiculous photos everywhere. What you post doesn't mean the world want to see it!

#3. The way they walk and talk.

The first time people see about you is the way you talk and walk. They also see whether you smile or not. Ok, you may want to ask what does this have to do with the bitch and slut thingy but the way you act is what people think. It's not like I'm telling you to be hypocrete but, you must show your most decent smile and act. This is to make people think the good thing bout you. And oh yeah, GIRLS SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER CURSE! This shows how immoral you are. Do not do the most stupidest or something that could bring shame to yourself.

That's all I guess. The don't's part. The thing that you should do is like

#1. Smile=This makes people happy and think the positive part of you. And they won't think you're snobish A.K.A ignorant

#2. Stop cursing=Like I said, GIRLS DON'T CURSE! and swear!

#3. Pictures=Put decent pictures and most of all wear something can you...

The real meaning of a BITCH is
So stop calling people BITCH cause you don't wanna compliment them for no reason RIGHT???