Sunday, November 11, 2012


Hmm sejak dapat tahu semua benda yang disembunyikan ni...Ntah kenapa aku rasa lain. bukan sebab marah kecewa or sedih..tapi entahlah.lain macam jer kalau nak sms dia lagi.Sebab aku rasa macam aku ni menyibuk je.Sedangkan dia kata aku boleh carik dia bila bila masa je sebab dia taknak severe the ties between us. Cakap memanglah senang. Tapi aku rasa dia macam busy je! Dan aku rasa macam aku ni pengganggu kehormat.Apakah??Aku ni hipokrit ke ah? Buat buat tak rasa kehilangan sedangkan aku terasa gila!! Apa yang aku dah buat ni??Tuari waktu dia call and sounded mad and pissed off...aku telah mencampakkan handphone dia atas katil..pastu jalan beberapa langkah..aku jatuh.Jatuh dan nangis.Bukan sebab sakit.Tapi mengenangkan apa yang aku dah buat.It's never my intention to hurt anyone. But why must you hurt me? Do you actualy thought that by letting me figure out everything would be okay? NO! Hell no! It would hurt me to the max. But you? You really thought it's okay! I really felt like crying. *apparently i did!for the pass 3 days. I sometimes pretend not to know anything when the fact,i have everything figured out and came to me and lie all your way! Thanks! But hey im not stupid! I got everything at the back of my hand. I love you! I still do! But please. Cut this crap! Don't be the reason for my tears when i was the one who wipe of your tears when you need me!kbai!