Friday, September 16, 2011

I guess

Hari ini hari jumaat kan? baru aku perasan, dah lama aku tak nangis! Hmmm frust rasanya. so aku rasa, dari aku simpan sorang2, baik aku tulis, buat lepaskan geram! Stress giler! Balik balik aku jer yang kena attack! balik balik aku jer yang kena marah! balik balik aku jer yang kena bandingkan! Eah, pikir aku tak buhsan ke?? i got feelings and it's impossible for me to ignore it. Whateverlah. bak kata kakak aku, everybody is pretty in their own way. 1 lagi, aku tak jeles pun... tak haraplah!!! Leganyer, dapat cakap cam ni. biler tulis, rasa cam nak emo...tapi tak boleh nangis, sbb aku miss strong! She never cry. she never lose hope. she believes in herself. she believes in people she cared and loved. and most of all, she believes in everything that happen to her has a silver lining. she don't wanna make people lose hope in her! that's her! Lousy?? hahahha... i m in confusion and  emotional mood! Bah!!! nobody cares rite? tank god there are a few people who believes in me.