When A Girl
Accepts Your Friend Request It Means She
Accepted Your “Friendship” Not Your
When A Girl Sends You A Friend Request It
Means She Wants To Be Your Friend Not Your
When She Tag You It Means She Wants To
Share Her Thoughts With You And Not That
She’s Lost In Your Thoughts,
When She Comments On Your Status It Meams
She’s Just Being Social And Not Flirting,
When She Like Your Comment It Means She
Like Your Comment Not You
Perfect example of confidence:
A junior in an office dialed his boss's number by mistake & said :
Hey, send a coffee in my cabin in two minutes !...........boss shouted : do you know whom you're talking to ?!!!!!!
Junior : no!
Boss: i'm the boss of this office.
Junior (in the same tone) : & do u know whom you're talking to?
Boss: no!
Junior: thank God. (and disconnected da phone).....:d :p
Is Like Being
D R U N K . . .
Everyone Remembers
What You Did,
Except You ..
Girls are like phones.
We like to be held
and talked too-
but if u press the
wrong button
u'll be disconnected!
An Angry Wife To
Her Husband 0n Phone:
"Where d Hell Are You ... ?"
Darling You Remember That
Jewelery Shop Where You Saw
The Diamond Necklace n Totally
Fell In Love With It n I Didn't
Have Money That Time n I said
"Baby It'll Be Yours 1 Day ... " O:)
Wife, With A Smile & Blushing:
Yeah I Remember That My Love !
I m In The Pub Just Next To That Shop
Put ur hand on a Hot Pan,
a second seems an hour,
But put ur hand on a Hot Girl
An hour seems a second
That's Einstein's theory of Relativity
A Belated Teachers' Day
Its A Humble Request
"80% Of Teachers r
Suffering From Throat
Pain By Teaching Students."
So Plz
BUNK d Classes As Much
As Possible
Save Our Teachers
A girl Fell Down from 80th floor,
A boy caught her on 65th floor and asked her...
will u hug me...?
She replied.., offcourse not...
he dropped her.
she was caught on 30th floor by another boy....
He asked her, will u kiss me..?
no not at all, she replied
he dropped her too..
she prayed for last chance when a boy hold her on 5th floor.
she immediately said...
ok i will hug u and kiss u..
The boy dropped her and saying.
Astagfirullah !! [ I am fasting ]
SANTA went to court
"Order ! Order !"
"1 Pizza, 2 garlic bread, 3 soup & 1 Cold-drink !"
"Shut Up !"
"Call A Girl Pretty
& She Will Remember It For
5 Minutes..!
Call A Girl Ugly
& She Will Remember It
Hello!! don't judge people by their looks!!
Q- a parrots sits on an elephant and the elephant died!!
Prove how is this possible….?
Physics student:
assume that elephant’s name is parrot
parrot’s name is elephant:d:p:)
physics can prove anything
A Small Boy Took A Knife
And Wrote His Girlfriend’s Name 0n His Hand..
After A Minute He Started Crying Loudly..
Why ???
Paining ???
No !!
Then ???
Spelling Mistake !!!
Husband was seriously ill.
Doc to wife :-
Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in gud mood,
don’t discuss ur problems,
no tv serial, dont demand new clothes & gold jewels,
Do this for 1 yr & he will be ok.
On the way home..
Husband :- wat did the doc say ?
Wife :- .No chance for u to survive
All say that love is more important than money..
Have u ever tried paying ur bill with a hug.. ? ? :P ;)
''An Intelligent Wife Is One
Who Makes Sure She Spends
So Much
Her Husband
Can't Afford Another
Women" :P
Woman Buys A New Sim
Card Puts It In Her Phone
And Decides To Surprise Her
Husband Who Is Seated On
The Couch In The Living Room.
She Goes To The Kitchen,
Calls Her Husband With
The New Number:
"Hello Darling"
The Husband Responds
In A Low Tone:
"Let Me Call U Back
Later Honey, The Dumb
Lady Is In The Kitchen.. =P
A man received d phone
from emergency room of hospital
Doctor: Your wife was in a fatal car
accident & I've bad n good news.
The bad news is,
She has lost both arms n legs n
will b on a respirator d rest of her life.
Man: 0h my God, whats the good
Doctor: I'm kidding, She is Dead... =P =D
A 5th standard kid wrote in his maths answr sheet:
Dear Math,
Im sick & tired of finding ur x
Jst accpt d fact dat she's gone!
Move On dude!
A Sweet demand by a kid.
A kid was beaten by his mom.
Dad came n asked- what happen son?
Kid said-I cant adjust with your wife anymore,
I want my own
Woman is like blue tooth ,
U r next 2 her,
she stays connected,
u go away,
she finds new device
Man is like wi-fi,
many devices can connect 2him at a time
Husband throwing knives on wifes picture.
All were missing the target!
Suddenly he received call from her
"Hi,wat ru doin?"
His honest reply,"MISSING U"
This Funny fact always happen wid me:
Study for one Hour-
No One sees.!
But pick up mobile just 4 a second,
& Mom/Dad enters d room! ;)
Could u fax me ur photo very very urgently ?
Mind u - it's really very very urgent,
damn serious and very imp ....
I'm playing cards and
we've misplaced the JOKER.
A Simple fact:
Boys Can Never B
Satisfied With
3 Things In Life:
There Is Always
A Better Model
Available In Future ;)
Interviewer:what is skeleton?
Sardar:Sir, skeleton is a person
who started dieting but forgot to stop it..!!!
U are a BITCH
r u smiling now?
Beautiful flowers die....
Nice stories end......
Lovely songs fade........ ..
Momeries are forgotten... ..
All things comes to end.....
But people like YOU always remain forever
Do U know the fullform of COLLEGE:-
Thats why boys go to college
Whos hot... Its U,
Charming... Its U,
Sweetest.. Its U,
Intelligent... Its U,
Whos dear & near friend... Its U
Whos a liar.. Its me
I have lots of jokes in my inbox,
But I can't send you all of them,
It will take a lot of time,
So I'm sending you just 1 joke
"You are so beautiful"
Wife: I wish I was a newspaper
so I would be in ur hands allday.
Husband: I too wish that u were
a newspapers so I could have
a new one everyday.
Q: What did the gangster's son
tell his dad when he failed his examination?
A: Dad they questioned me for 3 hours
but I never told them anything."
Q: What did the gangster's son
tell his dad when he failed his examination?
A: Dad they questioned me for 3 hours
but I never told them anything."
There have been many time in 2011
when I may disturbed you
troubled u
irritated u
bugged u
today I just wanna tell you
I plan to continue it in 2012.
Boy1:Meet my girlfriend Tina
Boy2.Oh! I know her
Boy2:v were caught sleeping together
Boy1:What the hell?
Boy2.during lecture in maths class
Think +ve:)
A New Added element to the Periodic Table.
Element Name:GIRL
Symbol: G
Atomic Weight:dont even dare to ask :-D
Physical Properties..
*boils at anything
*can freeze at anytime
*melts if handled wid love n care
*very bitter if mis handled
Chemical Properties.
*very reactive
*highly unstable
*posses strong affinity for gold n silver
*money reducing agent
*volatile when left alone
A Poetry Competition asked For A 2-Line
Rhyme With d Most Romantic 1st Line &
the Least Romantic 2nd Line
There's d Winning Rhymes
My darling, My Love,My Beautiful Wife
Marrying U Ruined,My Whole Life
I c Ur Face When I m Dreaming
That's Why I Always Wake Up Screaming
Kind Intelligent, Loving & Hot
This Describes Everything You r Not
I Love Ur Smile, Ur Face & Ur Eyes
Damn, I'm V Good At Telling Lies
Rich Man: Today, I have 14 Cars,
18 Bikes, 4 Bungalows, 3 Farm Houses
What do you have?
Poor Man: I have a boy
whos Girl Friend is
Your Daughter..!
"Interesting Confusions"
1. Can u cry under water?
2. Do fish ever get thirsty?
3. Why don't birds fall out of trees when they sleep?
4. What do u call a male lady bird?
5. Why is it called building when it's already built?
6. When they say dog food is new & improved in taste, who tastes it?
7. If money doesn't grow on trees then why banks have branches?
8. Why does a round pizza come in sqaure box?
9.Why doesn't glue, stick to its bottle;-)..!!
GIRL:My heart is like a mobile
and you are the sim card
BOY:I m very happy. . .
Gal:dont b too happy. . .
If I get a new offer
I will change the sim card..!
Husband wanted to call the hospital
to ask about his pregnant wife,
but accidently called the cricket stadium.
He asks, "How's the situation?"
He was shocked & nearly died on hearing the reply.
They said, "It's fine. 3 are out,
hope to get another 7 out by lunch,
last one was a duck!"..:-P
Difference between Friend & Wife
U can Tell ur Friend
"U r my Best Friend"
Do u have courage tell to ur Wife
"U r my Best Wife?"
Misuse of English!
A Diagram in A Book Was Not Clear
So da Teacher Drew The Diagram On Da Blackboard
"Dont Look At The Book Figure,Look At My Figure":D