Monday, October 10, 2011

Tak patut betul

Okay... now its 4:51 the tell me why the hell am I posting at 4 in the morning when actually, I can sleep?'s because tomorrow..oh no! wait today I m not going to school. Actually, I really LOVE going to school cause:
                                  1)Get to meet friends and gossip and talk and blabbering wahahahah
                                  2)Get to wait.....stop.... why do I LOVE goning to school? Ahah! Because
                                  3)I get to see hot guys passing by in front of my class...BITCHY?? Nah!! IDTS
                                  4)Get to see my sister...yeah start asking me why must I see my sister at school? Its because we are adopted not real as in real real sisters.
Many people would say, "Auw!!! You actually love going to school? How nerdy of you... Hello!! I have my own personal reasons like:
                                  1)I hate doing houseworks!
                                  2)It's boring because I don't know what to do except for listening to musics
                                  3)I played the whole XBox games and it getting boring
                                  4)The only thing I do at home is SLEEPING,Watching TV and shouting on top of the roof
                                  5)No companion! Great! I m stuck in a place called loserville!! Wahahahaaaa

See? there are many disadvantages when you are at home. There are like a few stuff which I don't actually like going to school.But other than that, it's far more OKAY! Let me give you some examples:

(these are not the actual reasons why I hate going to school. bak kata orang melayu Ini tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang sudah meninggal dunia. So no hard feelings okay? Cause I don't put your name or your cats,dogs,hamsters and ETC in this post!!!!)    

 Oh come onlah...who likes homeworks anyway? So don't bother to ask why do I hate homeworks. I did it just to show my teachers how grateful I am to have an awesome teacher for being so considerate. I love you! Great! Let's just say, I did not even touched nor look at the last week homeworks. If anybody knows that, I will lose some extra credit for being a good kid in class... But on a second thoughts, nobody actually pay me for that kindda things... So whatever!! Hihiihihihi.... ^^,

AUW...don't you think that they are just so sweet? Actually, they are the people who cares a lot for you.. Sweet right?? Actually I am taking the bright side.So no need to thank me for those who loves to babble.Maybe, people like me?? hehe...I do admit that I babble a lot..Don't believe me? check my posts... It has always been me who's babbling right? Okay, people who babble are actually reminding you not to do and DUMB, RIDICULOUS and STUPID stuff. When I was a kid, I used to like people who babbles cause actually they are quite unique in some ways like, they could actually babble for 2 hours without stopping except when breathing. Or else they will be gasping for air. Break record right? Yeah cause my mum babble to me like 2 hours while I was palying the XBox or sometimes, computer games. And guess what, I LOST because I can't concentrate. So you guys should actually be congratulating people who have this ability. Not all humans on earth have this so-called-'GIFT'. This what I call a gift cause they actually make people lose their mind and make people confuse and cannot concentrate in what other people are doing. Congratulations y'all!!

Seriously, I have nothing against people who are annoying, UNTILL they started to annoy me and disturb my pusuit of hapiness.Nah!! This category, don't come and ask me why I hate annoying people. I bet like, all of you must really hate annoyers right? All they know is critisize people and ask people to do their way. Hello!! People have their own way of doing things. So bug off! Stop disturbing people!! We don't actually need people like you! Argh...It's the same if you go to the supermarket and the people who tends to you ask some dumb questions! Like they ask you wether you wanna use plastic bags or paper bags or maybe sometimes, they ask you something like do you wanna pay by credit card or cash... Hello!! Don't be annoying, just take what people give you... URGH!! I know.... we can't satisfy people...

Okay...that's all for todays lesson. I am gonna sleep till 4P.M  this evening which I hope nobody is gonna disturb me or else someone better wear some extra coverage for their head cause I am not sure what are the things that I am gonna throw at them! See ya and take care! BYE XOXO!!! ;)