Tuesday, November 15, 2011

lepas geram

Topic agak poyo...aku tahu...tak payah nak ingatkan aku =='

Aku tau kau pinjam ayat si madonna nie
Hmm like this, 

*Adik aku punyer citer

I kindda dislike (word aku agak sopan yer) this girl at school.
Bajet bagus gitu sey. Honestly, I have nothing against her untill she starts to interfere 
my persuit of happiness. At first, I did not realise her evil scheme. 
As a matter of fact, I willingly (without any interference from my mates maa) 
welcome her to go recess with us.
Oh shit! That's the biggest and the most foolish mistake I ever did. 
Stupid me! And guess what, after 7 months, I eventually get to know that she
 planned to get rid of me! What the hell?? I am
being nice and here you are, trying to kick me out. Who are you kidding? 
Not only that, she even made a plan to become my sister new sister. 
Oh come on-lah. Is it not enough? Kicking me out is bad 
enough, now you're planning to get my sister's attention? 
Go hang yourself before you dare to do that!
You are nobody you jerk!

*Hmm....then senyap agak lama...Minah nie giler yang amat!!~~

*Kakak aku punyer cerita
I'am in a perfect good mood. And a perfect good life I was having. 
And the life smasher ruin my life in 30 minutes. 
What the hell?? You ruin my life for seven month and you are trying to ruin it again??
Get a life bitch! Well what she did is completely making my temper rise up to 39 degree!
She blamed my sister cause she got scolded by the teacher.
When I say scolded it means 'A GREAT TALK'... serves you right.
(I am talking bout my elder sister)
Kau nie, memang tak sedar diri ke apa... Dahlah emo jer... I hate you tau tak!!
stop smashing people's hope and life. 
Ruin your life is better than poking into my business you S***....
I hate cursing and swering you, but, you made me do it. Bye!